Healing Modalities -

Zenith OmegaTM  Clearings - The Healing Power of Energy - Facilitator and Teacher
Zenith Omega
TM Light Body Acceleration
Basic and Aroma Touch Massage with doTERRA Essential Oils
Universal Messenger
Nutritional Guidance
Fibonacci Tuning Forks -
Reconnect to Original DNA Blueprint

My Connection with Spirit and Energy Forces

I have had a connection with spirit and energy forces since early childhood.  For more than thirty years my natural inclinations have directed me toward absorbing the expertise of many healing modalities:  Reiki, Reflexology, Zenith Omega, a variety of massage and bodywork techniques, Fibonacci Tuning forks, Shamanism, nutritional therapies, etc.

Everyday I feel blessed to have been gifted with the awareness, sensitivity, ability and insight to integrate this learning and experience to support and to empower others to have more balance, health, joy and empowerment of themselves.  I refer to these wisdoms, abilities and gifts as the tools of my 'Healing Modality Chest'.

My Healing Modality Chest

As a facilitator and energy healer I use whatever of these tools will serve as the catalyst to advance the greatest good of the individual to advance their learning or facilitate their healing.  A facilitator is one that brings in and holds the frequencies that empowers the clients to come into higher frequencies, thus healing themselves.   Healing is only possible when the client wants to heal and make changes in their life.  Clients heal themselves by allowing healing to happen - they are the ones that have to have the desire, give permissions and accept the healing.  I am providing healing tools and being a clear channel to facilitate the healing.  Additionally, I always work with the support of angels and ascended masters and guides of the light.

Mental, emotional and physical imbalances may be addressed in any session of any of the healing modalities I employ.  Zenith Omega is one of the greatest tools I have found to address all areas, quickly and easily.   That said, there is no ‘right’ modality. Each has its own gift and energy frequency which will work differently for different individuals.

In energy healing modalities it is possible to perform the service from a distance or remotely, so if you need support and are unable to travel I may be able to help you in another way.

About Energy Fields and Energy Healing
Learn More About Distance Healing
Fibonacci Tuning Forks
How to Obtain Healing
Healing Centre
Personalized Healing/Spa Sessions
Restorative Spa and Healing Sessions for Groups
More Services

Practitioner, Teacher Coach

I work as practitioner, teacher or coach for these modalities.  Just click on one of the modalities in the list below for an overview and find links to learn more, ask questions or get support and empowerment for yourself.

Zenith OmegaTM  Clearings - The Healing Power of Energy
Zenith Omega
TM Light Body Acceleration
Fibonacci Tuning Forks
Nutritional Guidance

Life Coach Story

Zenith Omega
TM  Clearings - The Healing Power of Energy

This healing tool from ancient times generates luminous physical and emotional healing.  Zenith OmegaTM  draws on the healing power of energy - more specifically light, sacred geometry, color and sound frequencies - is channelled to awaken the body, to re-establish the genetic links between mind, body and spirit.  These energy patterns resonate through the body's energy pathways to restore the individual to wholeness, a higher state of potential, physical and emotional healing.  There are six levels in Zenith Omega™, with over 400 clearings from which to choose to facilitate healing.  A clearing/healing consists of 12-15 clearings within one session, which requires approximately one hour.

Learn more about Zenith Omega
Zenith Omega  Distance Healing is Available
Contact me for more info or to book a session

Zenith Omega
TM Light Body Acceleration

Spiritual awakening and spiritual ascension can occur rapidly after a Zenith Omega healing session.  For accelerated spiritual awakening, Zenith Omega offers the Light Body Acceleration clearings. 

Participants in this group will receive 83 specialized Zenith Omega Clearings for Light Body Acceleration. The process will facilitate DNA repairs; help return fragmented soul pieces; restore the Crystalline Body; anchor the I AM Presence; and empower the integration of higher frequencies. The result will be an increase to your conscious awareness and a connection to multi-dimensional realms.  These clearings will ease the ongoing integration of Light Frequencies that are coming in to uplevel us into our original DNA BLUEPRINTS of wholeness. 

Book a Session
Zenith Omega  Distance Healing is Available
Contact me for more info

Reiki - Spiritual Consciousness of Life Force

An unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.  If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. In Reiki the Reiki Master and the recipient develop a channel of mutual and spiritual communication and a transfer of energy occurs.  This makes the person feel like a wonderful glowing radiance has flowed through and around them.

Read more about Reiki
Reiki Energy Distance Healing is Available
Contact me for more info or to book a session


The principle behind Reflexology is that there are energy zones that run throughout the body, and there are reflex areas in the feet, hands and ears that correspond to all the major organs, glands and body parts.  I work on all reflex areas but feet are my specialty. By stimulating the reflex areas, the energy pathways can be relaxed and opened up to allow revitalization of the body on many levels. Reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation and promotes the natural function of the related areas of the body.

Will Reflexology work for you?
Contact me for more info or to book a session

Fibonacci Tuning Forks

In ancient science or sacred languages, the universe has a divine rhythm, all things well ordered and fine-tuned to produce vibrations in harmonic balance - like a symphonic masterpiece.  Humankind marvels that nature grows in most efficient ways.  However, unlike humans most of nature is uncomplicated and untethered by the interferences that befall and cause imbalances in mankind. The Fibonacci Tuning Forks can be used to bring balance for each of us, bring us back into the simple, natural and efficient manner of growing and thriving,

More about Fibonacci Tuning Forks
Fibonacci for Vibrational Healing Responses,
Benefits, and Fibonacci in Nature

Contact me for more info or to book a session


When I massage a client I am working on the physical body to bring that person into perfect physical balance. I give a full body massage—head to toes.  It relieves stress and those tired muscles and promotes circulation and lymph movement, relaxation and removal of tightness, knots and pains.  When I do massage I like to integrate reflexology and if the client desires I also incorporate energy work.  My massage techniques does not follow a set pattern.  I describe it saying,  ``My hands go to where they are called and the kind of massage that is required comes through``

Learn More
Contact me for more info or to book a session


Shamanistic traditions have existed since prehistoric times and consider the entire universe, all aspects of the world that we share with the rest of creation, to be alive and interconnected.  People who follow the shamanistic ways understand the connection and need for balance amongst all things.  Our visible world is pervaded by invisible forces or spirits that affect our lives. In the past Shamans have been mediators, ceremonialists, healers, diviners, or artists who work for the greater good of those around them, such as healing and enlightenment.

Here's My Story
Contact me for more info or to book a session

Nutritional Guidance

Working with amazing and connected naturopath doctors and nutritionists gave me a wealth of knowledge and understanding.  I learned about herbs, vitamins, minerals, supplements, parasite cleanses, and all the other important aspects of making sure the right things enter the body and that one learns effective ways of maintaining a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle.

Read How I Found a Nutritious Lifestyle
Contact me for more info or to book a session

Other Services
Personalizing the Experience
Healing Centre
Personalized Spa Sessions for Individuals
Restorative Spa and Healing Sessions for Groups


Personalizing the Experience
Where to Get these Services

I facilitate day sessions or longer stays - for individuals or groups. Each session is personalized. At its core the session is designed to balance the most important requirements for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth and well-being.  As they may be needed I use one or more tools from my 'healing’ modality trunk’ to support each individual  as he or she moves forward and empowers or heals themselves.  Unshackling their body`s energy field from patterns and practices that generated many types of suffering has been described by clients as ``a deeply meaningful event`` or a `rousing moment of self-awareness``, opened my eyes to my purpose, mission and my direction".

Where to Get these Services

I facilitate and customize day sessions or longer stays for individuals or groups for clearings, healings or teaching.  Often I do this in Ompah where I live.  I also schedule sessions in other areas of Canada as needs arise.  If you have a group that wishes to make this type of arrangement please contact me directly.

For those individuals that are unable to travel or book a session at a convenient location, I am available for long distance healings. You can click on one of the modalities or topics below for more information on how I use this modality.  or for help to plan a session.

The ability to receive healing from a distance, though effective, must be viewed realistically.  While I sometimes marvel at the results and feel blessed to be part of the healing process I feel obligated to point out that sometimes the issues, concerns, or problems that a person harbours in themselves have often taken years to develop and are not always alleviated or remedied in one session. As with any curative a single treatment is better than none, but I would be remiss not to make you aware that in some cases a series of healings would be more beneficial.

You can contact me for more details on
which modality would be most beneficial to you,

The free will of the client is always honoured. It is not my will to ‘heal’ the client but to be the best facilitator - to hold the space and to bring in the higher frequencies so that the client may clear imbalance and dis-ease on any and all levels with the support of the angels, ascended masters, guides and Divine of All That Is, all in light and love

A person and their higher self and over soul always chooses the extent to which they wish to receive healing and to ‘heal’ or not.

By empowering the client in conscious awareness of what is going on mentally, emotionally, spiritually, we can shift hereditary and karmic frequencies on all levels, all planes and all dimensions.
