For more than forty  years I have been searching for and learning many healing modalities to bring me increased knowledge and expertise, which enables me to support and to empower friends, family and clients into more balance, health, and joy in their lives.  I dedicate myself to the ultimate wellbeing of every person I work with.  When they shout in joy or hold their hand to their heart in understanding and peace I am humbled by their ability to empower themselves for such miraculous transitions.

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I work as practitioner, teacher or coach, offering several options to help empower people to attain th​eir goals and gain better health balance, joy, or awareness.  That said, there is no ‘right’ modality. Each has its own gift and energy frequency which​ will work differently for each oerson.

Each of the services or experiences I offer is personalized to meet the needs of the individual or group receiving it.  

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or Remote Healing

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My Connection with Spirit and Energy Forces and my natural inclinations have directed me toward absorbing the expertise of many healing modalities:  Reiki, Reflexology, Zenith Omega, a variety of massage and bodywork techniques, Fibonacci Tuning forks, Shamanism, nutritional therapies, to name a few.   I refer to these wisdoms, abilities and gifts as the tools of my 'Healing Modality Chest'.  As a facilitator and energy healer I use whatever of these tools will serve as the catalyst to advance the greatest good of the individual to advance their learning or facilitate their healing. 

Learn more about Energy Fields
 and Energy Healing
Which of these Healing Experiences 
is Best For You?


If you seek a balanced lifestyle, a physically healthy body, clarity of thought and emotional equilibrium i​n life, then Zenith Omega™ can be a most effective healing tool for you. Ze​nith Omega is energy work that re-establishes the link between mind, body and spirit.

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